Monday, May 25, 2020

As Of Now There Is No Federal Statute That Is Against...

As of now there is no federal statute that is against cyberbullying (Strictkland, 2010). In 2009, there was a bill that was introduced to be an add on to the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act. The bill states that it would be within violation of the law if an individual were to transmit in interstate or foreign commerce any communication, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person, using electronic means to support severe, repeated, and hostile behavior (Strickland, 2010). A countrywide law would be the most logical step right now. As more and more suicides occur states are incorporating cyberbullying laws to their existing legislations. The Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention†¦show more content†¦However, there are some similarities as to why an individual would bully someone else online. Few of the reasons may include power, entertainment or control (Child Refuge, 2011). Conclusion can be made just from these reasons. Life as a teenager in high school can be very challenging. The bar is set high for these students because of high expectations from them or their parents. When children are bored, or lack the attention from their parents they seek entertainment which makes them more likely to become cyberbullies (Child Refuge, 2011). These individuals acquire control and power through humiliating their victims by harassing them or even putting fear to these helpless people through threats (Child Refuge, 2011). For those victims who were bullied, now realize it’s their time to shine and take the roll of being the bully. By giving these victims the power to bully others, gives them the sense of relief getting revenge on those who tormented them (Child Refuge, 2011). Even though there are several reasons why teens turn to cyberbullying, there are also stereotypes that follow. In fact, researched discovered that girls are more likely to become victims while males tend to be the bullies a nd when you compare Caucasians to African Americans, African Americans are more likely to become the cyber bully (Sbarbaro and Smith, 2011). Regardless of who is doing the bullying online or why, at the end of the day it allShow MoreRelatedThe Survival Of The Fittest1405 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Social status is a very important factor to consider in cyberbullying† (Huberman, Loch, ONculer, 2004.)9 It is a way many go by living on this capitalist society. That has lead many to believe that the survival of the fittest is true. Survival is related specifically with rivalry because of the huge number of species and restricted assets. There s always been a steady drive to out-perform others and overcome obstacles. The individuals who beat these obstacles accept they re at the highest pointRead MoreThe Effects Of Cyberbullying On The Internet1449 Words   |  6 Pagesresponse. 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Cyberbullying can cause irreversible damage emotionally and in some instances legally. Adults should be made more aware of the serious ramifications it can bring to both the bully and the victim. The re should be an emphasis on community education of this growingRead MoreBullying At The State Of Nevada1989 Words   |  8 Pagesmaking recess intolerable for some; or perhaps in the lunch room bully who helped themselves to our desserts. That bully might have ended up in the principal’s office, but likely not much more became of them. Bullies have always been around, but now they have changed their preferred tactics. With the growth of technology making our ordinary lives simpler, criminals and bullies have also used technology to aid them in their transgressions. Many bullies have advanced to become cyber-bullies andRead MoreCyberbullying Is A Common Cause Of Death Especially For Young Adolescents4020 Words   |  17 PagesCyberbullying in Adolescence â€Å"I wanted to say bye†¦ for, like, ever† (Abigail Pesta). Those were the last words Rebecca Sedwick texted to her two middle school friends before jumping to her death. This is one of many cases where bullying has been a common cause of death especially for young adolescents. A statistic from states that 1 in 3 adolescents have experienced cyber threats online. Based on the research, now with advanced technology and social media sites, cyberbullyingRead MoreCyberbullying : A Beautiful Blue Eyed, Outgoing. Active Girl Who Kept Everyone On Their Toes2180 Words   |  9 PagesMegan’s to where a child is taunted and cyberbullied and he/she ends up taking his.her own life. Cyberbullying has become more prevalent within the last couple years due to the globalization of the internet and increase in social media websites and usage. Bullying is a common part of childhood and growing up, but cyberbullying is bullying for all the world to see and an yone is a potential victim. Cyberbullying is important because anyone can be a victim- from children in the classroom to adults in theRead MoreEssay on Put An End to Cyber-Bullying1084 Words   |  5 Pagesviewpoints on this issue, but if we desire to save lives and help boost the confidence of our youth, then we must take a stand against bullying to end it! Many people protest that cyber-bullying laws would impose on their privacy. An â€Å"invasion of privacy† should never be put before someone being verbally abused, leading to the person doing harm to themselves. 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